Why A Buy-Sell Agreement Is Vital For Your Business
Blog, Business Owners, Buy SellA buy-sell agreement is a legally binding document that sets out what must happen to a business if one or more of the owners is no longer involved. It is crucial for businesses as it protects both shareholders and the business itself in the event of a partner's departure. A buy-sell agreement provides many benefits, including maintaining business continuity, minimizing disputes between remaining co-owners and the family of the departing owner, decreasing stress and uncertainty for all business owners, and protecting business assets and liquidity with a solid financial and tax plan.
Optimizing Wealth Through Asset Re-Allocation
Blog, Investment, Life Insurance, taxIf you are an active investor, your investment holdings probably include many different asset classes. For many investors, diversification is a very important part of the wealth accumulation process to help manage risk and reduce volatility. Your investment portfolio might include stocks, bonds, equity funds, real estate and commodities. All these investment assets share a common characteristic – their yield is exposed to tax.
Tax tips to know before filing your 2023 income tax
2024, Blog, corporate, Family, financial advice, Financial Planning, taxUnlock the secrets to maximizing your 2023 tax returns with our essential guide. From the new Advanced Canada Workers Benefit to crucial deductions for families, ensure you're not leaving money on the table this tax season.