Understanding Early CPP: When and Why to Consider It
Blog, pension plan, Retirees, RetirementNew Rules governing the Canada Pension Plan took full effect in 2016. Under these rules, the earliest you can take your CPP Pension is age 60, the latest is 70. The standard question regarding CPP remains the same - should I take it early or wait?

Are You On The Right Track?
Blog, Investment, Retirees, Retirement, RRSP, Tax Free Savings AccountIn bull markets, some investors develop unhealthy expectations as to the long term yields their investments should provide. Ten years ago, some came to accept returns as high as 15% to 20% per annum as the base return their fund and portfolio managers were expected to provide. Of course, these expectations came crashing back to earth in 2008 as the bull was chased away by a very large bear. Today, many fund managers are of the opinion that double digit returns are going to be very difficult to achieve with any consistency over the long term.
Is it time for us to lower our expectations?

2024 Financial Calendar
2024, Blog, Business Owners, financial advice, Financial Planning, individuals, personal finances, Professional Corporations, Professionals, Retirees, taxStay ahead in 2024 with our comprehensive financial calendar! From tax filing to benefit distributions, we guide you through key dates like the $7,000 TFSA contribution and $8,000 First Home Savings Account. Bookmark now for a financially savvy year!

Do you have enough for retirement?
Blog, pension plan, Retirees, Retirement, RRSP, Tax Free Savings AccountMany of us dream of the day that we can retire and have the time to ourselves that we have dreamed of for so many years. But, to have a genuinely contented and relaxing retirement, you need to ensure that you have the means to afford it. So, now's the best time to consider the three critical stages of retirement planning.
1) Accumulation
2) Pre-retirement
3) Retirement